2019 Associate Faculty
Global Podium Presentations
In order to have more younger and less familiar vascular surgeons and vascular specialists play an active role as Associate Faculty at our meeting, we have initiated programs whereby they can present their scientific work at the podium. Vascular Surgeons and Vascular Specialists participating in these programs will have submitted abstracts for a podium presentation, and these abstracts will be posted on our website at www.veithsymposium.org so they can be cited.


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VEITHsymposium Associate Faculty Global Podium Presentations

Vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists, cardiologists and vascular medicine specialists worldwide are encouraged to submit their work to the VEITHsymposium Associate Faculty Global Podium Presentations Program. The best three presentations will be publicly recognized during the Associate Faculty Awards Ceremony and will receive cash prizes of $750 (1st place), $500 (2nd place) and $250 (3rd place). All presenters will be listed on the VEITHsymposium website as Associate Faculty of VEITHsymposium and will receive a Certificate attesting to their presentations. Abstracts will be published in a Supplement of the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS). The 2019 Associate Faculty Global Podium Presentations Program will be CME accredited.

Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting Your Abstract to the Global Podium Presentations at VEITHsymposium 2019:

  1. Abstracts should be written in English and submitted by the presenting author no later than July 19, 2019 at 5:00pm Eastern Time.
  2. All podium presentations will be in English, with 5 minutes of oral and slide presentation followed by 2 minutes of discussion.
  3. The presenter's name should be underlined on the abstract for easy identification.
  4. Abstract subheader must include the full name of author(s) and professional credential(s), the full name of any/all co-author(s) and corresponding professional credential(s), institution and country of origin. Please click here to see a sample abstract and the full JVS guidelines on how to prepare your abstract for publication in the Supplement.
  5. Abstracts should not exceed 350 words beyond the title, the name of the author(s), institution and country of origin.
  6. All abstracts must be submitted in PDF format ONLY. The submission portal will not accept other formats (i.e., Word, Word Perfect, Excel, etc.).
  7. Each presenter may submit up to three abstracts but can present only one abstract.
  8. Presenters of accepted abstracts will be notified within 2 weeks of submission. The presenter's name will be listed as an Associate Faculty on the VEITHsymposium website upon acceptance of the abstract.
  9. Accepted abstracts will be linked to the presenter and presentation title on the VEITHsymposium website for up to one year.
  10. Abstracts should be submitted via the Associate Faculty Only Log-In. Please click here to submit your abstract and complete the required Associate Faculty form.
  11. A separate, paid registration for the meeting will be required. As an Associate Faculty, you will receive a reduced registration fee to attend the entire VEITHsymposium. You will be responsible for your own travel, lodging and other expenses.
  12. Please DO NOT register to attend VEITHsymposium until you have received notification that your abstract has been accepted. Registration must be paid in full no later than July 26, 2019. Please click here to REGISTER to attend the November 2019 VEITHsymposium.

The Associate Faculty Podium Presentations will be held on Wednesday - Thursday, November 20-21, 2019 at the New York Hilton-Midtown in New York City.

Please Click Here to REGISTER for the November 2019 VEITHsymposium