Associate Faculty
VEITHsymposium Global Podium Presentations Faculty

Jos C. van den Berg, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiology
University of Bern, Switzerland
Head of Service of Interventional Radiology
Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, sede Civico
Lugano, Switzerland
Frank J. Veith, MD
Professor of Surgery
The Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine and New York University
The William J. von Liebig Chair in Vascular Surgery
New York University Medical Center
Cleveland, Ohio and New York, New York
Jenske J.M. Vermeulen, MSc
Technical Medicine
Department of Vascular Surgery
Rijnstate Hospital
Arnhem, The Netherlands
Rijnstate Hospital
Suvi J. Väärämäki, MD, PhD
Vascular Surgeon
Tampere University Hospital
Tampere, Finland