Associate Faculty
VEITHsymposium Global Podium Presentations Faculty

Shlomo Baytner-Zamir, MD
Head of Vascular Department
Laniado Hospital
Netanya, Israel
Christian-Alexander Behrendt, MD
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hamburg, Germany
Souad Benallal, MD
Medical School of Medical School of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria
Vascular Surgeon
Djilali Liabes University, Faculty of Medicine
Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
James F. Benenati, MD
Interventional Radiologist
Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute
Miami, Florida
James H. Black III, MD
The David Goldfarb, MD Associate Professor of Surgery
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Chief and Regional Director of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy
The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland
Seung-Jae Byun, MD
Wonkwang University Hospital
Iksan, South Korea