Faculty (November 2023)
Faculty at VEITHsymposium is comprised of the world's most renowned vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists, interventional cardiologists and other vascular specialists.
Click on the name of the faculty to see details about his/her presentation(s).
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Center for Continuing Education has implemented a policy to comply with the current Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education Standards for Integrity and Independence requiring mitigation of all faculty conflicts of interest. Faculty declaring a relevant financial relationship will be identified in the activity syllabus.
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Mo S. Hamady, MD, FRCR, EBIR, FSIRProfessor of Image Guided Surgery and Interventional Radiology Imperial College-London Consultant Imperial Academic and Healthcare Trust London, United Kingdom
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Claudine M. Hamel-Desnos, MDPast President of the French Society of Phlebology French Society of Phlebology Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph (GHPSJ)- Institut des Varices Paris, France
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Sukgu M. Han, MD, MSAssociate Professor of Surgery University of Southern California Co-director of Aortic Center Keck Medical Center of USC Los Angeles, California
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Neil Haranhalli, MDAssistant Professor Albert Einstein College of Medicine Endovascular/Cerebrovascular Neurosurgeon Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, New York
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Linda M. Harris, MDProfessor of Surgery University at Buffalo Program Director Vascular Surgery Residency & Fellowship Kaleida Health Buffalo, New York
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Stephan Haulon, MDProfessor Université Paris Saclay Chief of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Hôpital Marie Lannelongue, GHPSJ Paris, France
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Don Heck, MDDirector Endovascular Strole Program Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center, Triad Radiology Winston-Salem, North Carolina
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Peter Henke, MDProfessor of Surgery University of Michigan Vascular Staff University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
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Jan M.M. Heyligers, MD, PhD, FEBVSConsultant Vascular Surgeon Elisabeth TweeSteden Hospital Tilburg, The Netherlands
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Caitlin W. Hicks, MD, MSAssociate Professor Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Attending Physician Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, Maryland
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Anil P. Hingorani, MDProfessor of Surgery NYU Brooklyn Medical Center Attending Vascular Surgeon NYU Brooklyn Medical Center Brooklyn, New York
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Jade S. Hiramoto, MDProfessor of Surgery UCSF San Francisco, California
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Joshua A. Hirsch, MDChief, Neurointerventional Radiology Harvard Medical School Vice Chief, Procedural Care Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts
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Tobias Hirsch, MDDr. med. Vein Competency Center Halle, Germany Halle, Germany
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Kim J. Hodgson, MDDavid S. Sumner Professor and Chair, Emeritus Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Springfield, Illinois
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Tal M. Hoerer, MD, PhDAssociated Professor Örebro Univeristy Vascular Surgeon Örebro University Hospital Örebro, Sweden
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Andrew Holden, MBChBAssociate Professor University of Auckland Director of Interventional Radiology Auckland City Hospital Auckland, New Zealand
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Emmanuel M. Houdart, MDProfessor of Neuroradiology Université Paris VII Director Lariboisière Hospital Paris, France
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Jeffrey H. Hsu, MDFaculty Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine Regional Chief of Vascular Surgery Kaiser Permanente Alta Loma, California
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Joseph P. Hughes, MBA, RVT, RVS, RPhS, NVS, FSVUPast President Society for Vascular Ultrasound Compliance Officer / ED Business Development NAVIX Diagnostix, Inc. Taunton, Massachusetts
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Maya Hutchinson, MHS, ACS, RVT, RDMS, PS, RDCS (AE/PE)Washington University in St. Louis Medical School Director Washington University in St. Louis Medical School St. Louis, Missouri